Monday, December 15, 2008

Attract Miracles Community

"What Would Happen if 8,185 People Held an Intention for You Personally?"

FACT: 23 scientific studies prove that when groups of people meditate, the crime and violence in their area goes down AND the wealth and prosperity goes up.

I want to invite you to a community of people to do just that -- hold your intention
(whatever it may be) FOR you -- The combined energy of this number
will virtually guarantee your results!

Think of what this would mean to your life, your family, your
city, state and even the planet!

Read on to discover how to join this movement today!

Or Click Here to Immediately find out more about

The Attract Miracles Member Community

Dear friend,

Are you looking for a miracle in your life? If you could have one what kind of miracle would you want?

No matter if it is love, healing, money, or anything else, wouldn't it be easier if you had help?

Of course it would.

And that is the inspiration behind The Attract Miracles Community

Let me explain by asking you a question...

Did you know that over 23 scientific studies have proved that when groups of people meditate, the crime and violence in their area goes down?

It's true!

These same studies showed that the more people who held the same intention, the greater the effect.

Can you see why I'm so excited about this?

Want world peace?

Then you'll be glad to know a long term meditation that lasted from 1988 to 1990 coincided perfectly with the end of nearly every major conflict including the war in Afganistan and even including the historic end of the Cold War.

Are you worried about the economy because of bad news about the stock market, housing prices, or a credit crisis?

Take heart because another experimental study by The Scientific Demonstration Project showed group meditation corresponded to a dramatic 12% rise in the stock market.

I could go on, but there are too many studies to list here.

Over the last 50 years the scientific evidence of the power of group intentions has piled up - and yet the media doesn't mention a peep!

Well, if you're like me, then you'll probably want to know...

Is There Really a Way to Intentionally Attract Miracles?


This isn't woo woo, either.

Documented scientific studies by some of the greatest minds of the last half century suggest we can directly impact not only our lives, but entire communities, countries, and beyond!

Right now you should go over to the Attract Miracles Community and find out more.

Now You Can Finally Have Others Help You Attract What You Desire

Come and join us in The Attract Miracles Community because we can help each other with the compound power of all our intentions.

This community is the brain child of Joe Vitale.

Monday, December 8, 2008

During This Financial Crisis Consider These Work At Home Ideas

by Rebecca Holman

I find that working at home is wonderful option at any time. During this current financial crisis, I can safely say that it is a God Send. If you seriously take a gander at the current world situation you have to admit that the economy is in a sorry state. The financial and economic crisis of the past few months have sent shivers down many spines. Many people that currently have regular jobs, like your self, may find them selves with out employment before the year is over. Of course if you are working at home and are sel employed you really would not have to worry about that problem.

You may not be sure of at home employment or perhaps you have tried it before and found only scams, but you should know that you can most certainly work from home and make a living, even if only for a meantime.

I personally know of a number of people, my self included that work from home and are making more than many with regular 9 to 5 jobs. So I hope that you can see that this is most likely something that you might think about and research more. Of course if this concept of working at home is something that sounds remotely interesting to you and like it might be a good idea for you, then I have outlined 3 ideas that you may want to try.

Researching: I love doing research. So for me Researching has been a great home employment opportunity for me and my family. You just need access to a the internet via a computer. This method means that you will have a low overhead each month, yet it can pay great dividends and bring in as much if not more than you would get from working from someone else. You just need to find a good resource company to go through.

One of the most important things if you do decide to go this route for at home employment is keep track of your hours. You will want to take things into your own hands and make sure that you are getting paid properly for all the work you are doing, and it is more in your hands than if you were working at a regular job.

Blogging: Is another great option. It has become a really popular work at home opportunity for folks that have internet. Since you can do this from home any time of the day or night it seems almost everyone is blogging about something. As blogger, you will be writing out text box structures for easy entry of content to publish quickly. The great thing is that there is no end to the types of blogs you can do.

Start Your Own Business: The third easy tip is for the really ambitious entrepreneur. Many will want to start up their own business. Now a days, thank goodness, this does not require you to even have a lot of finances, and this can be a great idea for work at home moms and work at home dads that are considering at home employment. There are so many types of businesses, from eBay to online franchises that it is worth it to do your research here. Just be sure to find something that YOU really enjoy. After all that is why you left your job isn't it? I highly recommend that you read the best seller "Cash Flow Quadrant" by Robert Kiyosaki to understand the road ahead.

Rebecca Holman trains with serious entrepreneurs that want to embrace new network marketing resources at MLM Lead Marketing Online Your MLM Training Resource

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Work From Home Alert: Newbie Checklist with PLR

Hey Guys,

If you are targeting the "Make Money" niche, and want to help out your customers... I have just what you need! I found this the other day, and I wanted to let you know about it.

Before I get into what the offer is, I want to first say that most profitable sub-niche in internet marketing is targeting the new crowd, newbies. There is so many new people coming into this market, and they are looking for easy, and useful information for them to get started with.

So that brings me to the NewbieChecklist w/ PLR, its great package that offers everything you need to start building a list of buyers, and target the newbies. :)

I am going to let the video explain the deal...

Affiliate Video Brander

This is a perfect package to help out Internet newbies, because its so simple. I am not kidding when I tell you that its so much easier to learn from a simple checklist than a long drawn out ebook… So give your customers what they want with these checklists.

You can easily brand them and put out as your own, and start helping your clients and customers out…

With these checklists you can…

  • Add them to your exsiting product and INSTANTLY increase the value and effectiveness of your product. Your customers will thank you for it!

  • ReBrand them and sell them in a neat little bundle like this with Resale Rights and start earning an extra income on the side without effort!

  • E-mail your list for a quick (huge) turn-around for your purchase price, infact you are start making a HUGE return right now!

  • Add this to your membership site, and help out your customers while adding huge value… without effort!

  • Create an entire new product based around these checklist, and create a new revenue model easily!

  • Use them as a simple coahcing program. Every week they get a new checklist, and person coaching…

  • The options are endless!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

SEO Press Formula Review- Proven Money Making SEO Blogging Theme

SeoPressFormula is a proven system to make money with WordPress Premium themes, developed by Brian Johnson. WordPress themes are able to be customized so SeoPressFormula can help you learn how to make a properly SEOd wordpress theme, how to design a wordpress themes and the ways to go about creating a word press theme that will bring traffic and profit.

Do You know who Brian Johnson is? He has made a name for himself and become a successful affiliate marketer. He has been perfecting his system over the past six or seven years. Back in 2007 his online business began to fall apart and he nearly lost everything. Not willing to throw in the towel Brian began to test out various methods of affiliate marketing and traffic generation.

Month after month creeped by. Nothing he tried seemed to work. Maybe you have been there yourself. The sad reality that he might need to begin looking for a day job began to sink in. Then like a ray of sunshine during a storm, it happened, Brian had figured out a new method for making money online It was right in front of him all the time, and once again the money began to flow. So you might be asking just what this method is. Well let me explain why you should care about it.

Brian decided to name this powerful system the "SEO Press Formula" Now if you have ever wanted to tap into the absolute torrent of free visitors from Google, Yahoo and Msn you are going to want to read on.

Were talking free traffic, massive free traffic that has allowed Brian to enjoy $700, $800 and even $900 plus days. With out spending any money on ppc, advertising or other expensive start up costs.

Now you might be thinking this is another web 2.0 system, "affiliate secret" or possibly another scam offering free Google clicks. With so many overly hyped products claiming such amazing results it is easy to be jaded.

Let me tell you first what SEOPressFormula is not * Based On Hub Pages, Squidoo Or Other Free sites * Is Not The Same Rehashed "SEO" Ebook You Have Already Read * Is Not A Video Traffic System * Complex, Complicated & Beyond The Reach Of Most Folks * An Adwords Or PPC System

With SEOPressFormula you will be able to quickly and easily launch a search engine friendly website within minutes (not hours). Even if you have never launched your own site before, Brian's system will allow you to do just that!

But more than just a site management system SEOPressFormula will allow you to: * Identify Niche Markets With Large Profit Potential (And little competition) * Structure Your Site Based On Brian's *Money Word Report * (Learn to target and structure your site based on the SEOPressFormula money word report) * Easily Launch An Advanced Web 2.0 Traffic Magnet (As easy as pushing a couple of buttons) * Create A Site Based On Recommendations From Google * Multiply Your Efforts By Leveraging Others

I want you to know that SEOPressFormula is a huge course. It is packed with worth while information that also offers five solid hours of wordpress video tutorials, a 76 page ebook, two SEO optimized wordpress themes and comes highly recommended. Get this now before your competition does.

Rebecca Holman developes VRE using Word Press Themes. Using WordPress to build your online empire will put money in your bank account. Find out her secret weapon and how you can optimize your SEO WordPress Themes See how easy it is to add these are easy Word Press Themes to your toolbox at SEOPress Formula

Monday, November 10, 2008

America's Financial Apocalypse : How to Profit from the Next Great Depression

Product Description for America's Financial Apocalypse: How to Profit from the Next Great Depression

By the early 90s, a raging bull market was delivering spectacular returns, causing some to believe that a market collapse and subsequent depression would soon appear. As a result of these fears, some exited the capital markets altogether.

Thereafter, the Internet took off causing the market bubble to swell, many high-tech stocks with seemingly limitless valuations. Over the course of its 13-year stretch, the market appreciated by over 600 percent, with average annual returns in excess of 18 percent. And we all remember what happened at the start of the new millennium.

Even after the deflation of the Internet bubble, cautious investors who pulled out of the market a decade earlier missed out on spectacular returns since then. Many investors who entered the market near its peak suffered devastating losses. But most who remained invested since the early 90s are still much better off today.

While this correction revealed the most recent illusions embedded within the economy, it s only a small part of what will be a larger correction in the coming years. Despite the scandals in corporate America and Wall Street, many investors fail to recognize that the post-bubble period is quite different from the Bull Run in the 90s. But today, the capital markets have been realigned with authenticity, and economics now control the investment cycle rather than hype generated by Wall Street.

Accordingly, Wall Street and the U.S. Government can only hide the realities of America s decline for so long. Unfortunately, America entered the free trade paradigm as a losing participant from the start. While America remains as the centerpiece for the global economy, it relies on record debt to maintain its status as the world s strongest consumer marketplace. But this cannot last much longer. America s vulnerable role in the new economy threatens to erode the strength of its empire.

Already, America has witnessed a gradual disappearance of its core citizens; the middle class. As well, poverty continues to grow while America s wealthiest quintile increases their wealth. These trends have been masked by record levels of credit-based spending and manipulation of economic data.

For over two decades, several nations have benefited at the expense of America s job base and living standards. This led to a long period of excessive consumption relative to productivity. When the economic boom from the post-war period began to lose steam in the 60s, consumption began to exceed productivity, as Americans refused to acknowledge a decline in living standards. Up until the 70s, America fueled this consumption-production disparity using the surplus wealth generated during the post-war boom.

During the 80s, America s growing consumption was compounded by massive government spending and a devastating oil crisis. Shortly thereafter, the consumer credit industry grew to meet the demands of a nation experiencing large productivity deficits. And today, America is vastly different than the post-war period.

Rather than increases in net wealth, America s growth over the past two decades has been fueled by credit spending which has created the illusion of impressive productivity, while serving to mask declining living standards. As a consequence of these changes, America s financial industry is now one of its biggest and most profitable.

Today, America is more dependent on foreign nations than anytime in its history. Declining oil reserves and a foreign-funded credit bubble have positioned the fate of this nation in the hands of the world. Soon, America will face the economic burden of 76 million aging boomers. Beginning in 2011, mandatory expenditures for Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security will start to grow rapidly. By 2025, these expenses will have swelled to unthinkable levels.

If you are interested in creating your own wealth I would like to work with you for your own independence from this system that is doomed to make you poor. Click Here for Your Financial Crisis Avoidance Package

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Honest Review of Blogging To The Bank 2.0 ebook

Get Blogging To The Bank 3.0 Now

Well since you are here, I imagine that you are one of the people that by now know about blogs.

But often people don’t know as there is a great income to be made as well for free. As part of Mid-life Wealth Crisis we want to help you avoid that wealth crisis. During this financial crisis it is worth learning skills that offer you multiple streams of income.

Rob Benwell is only a mere 24 years old and has already made several million dollars. Early in 2006 he shared his secrets with the world in his highly successful Blogging To The Bank ebook and has made making money online a whole lot easier for everyone.

Just over two years after the success of his first book and over 20,000 copies sold of it and the 2007 2.0 update he is now releasing his third version of Blogging to the Bank helping to wet our appetites and keep the fat bucks rolling in.

I got this book as soon as I could and it really covers quite a lot of new information and techniques to adapt your blog to the new demands of the major search engines. Many of the techniques in the old book are now dated and don’t work so well. This is why Blogging To The Bank 3.0 is a godsend.

Get Blogging To The Bank 3.0 Now

This guy doesn’t consider himself to be a “guru”, he’s just a normal guy who wants to help the little guys out. I find this a nice change as he doesn’t talk “down” to you like most of the other guys do. He explains everything in a nice simple manor so everyone can understand.

Saying that when he “goes off on one” it may take a few reads until you get it but when you do it’s just shear genius. Some of the topics in my opinion could have been covered a little more, then others went into great detail. You also get his 5 Blogging Commandments For 2009 that you must follow to give you blogs the greatest success in 2009 and keep them future proofed. This should be printed out and put on the wall of every online marketer without a doubt! His book starts off with market research (so that you are making the most of your time) to building your blogging empire. Everything is covered in this new outing that helps bloggers withtodays online issues regarding making the all mighty search engines happy.

Get Blogging To The Bank 3.0 Now

Final Verdict: if you are out there in the blogging world and want to make money the easy way then I highly recommend Blogging To The Bank 3.0.

Why work harder than you need to as the new techniques are there ready for you to simply implement.

Get Blogging To The Bank 3.0 Now

Friday, October 31, 2008

SEOPressFormula Review : The Easy Muss Free Way to Find SEO WordPress Premium Themes and Templates?

SEOPressFormula Review : Have you been trying to find inexpensive SEO WordPress Premium Themes and Templates? They will soon be available to you.

Mark this date! November 6th (Noon central) 2008, Brian Johnson will release SEOPressFormula to the Internet Marketing World.

Why is this such a big deal, I don't know about you, but I have gone crazy trying to optimize my Virtual Real Estate (VRE) using WP Themes. Brian Johnson has solved my problems by providing inexpensive AND easy to use WP theme templates that are search engine optimized for affiliate marketers to use.

I am so excited that I wanted to give you a really detailed overview of SEOPress Formula and why it should be 'your personal affiliate money making formula'

SEOPressFormula -Who Is Brian Johnson?
So who is Brian Johnson anyway? Brian has become a successful affiliate marketer over the past seven years. In 2007 Brian's online business started to unravel at the seams. It looked like he might lose everything. Because he had spent the time to build this up, he was just not going to allow that to happen. By taking matters into his own hands Brian began to test new and different methods of affiliate marketing and traffic generation.

He worked many different angles, but like for many of us, nothing seamed to work. That aweful sinking feeling of having to go look for a day job began to sink in.

Heard Enough? Click Here To Find Out More About SEOPress Formula

Then, a light went off. Brian somehow fell upon a new method for making money online, (quite by accident) and the money began to flow back into his life again.

So what method did Brian Uncover?
Brian started to call his system the SEOPressFormula. If you have been seeking for a way to tap into thousands and thousands of free visitors from Google, Yahoo and MSN you are going to want to know what this method is, just like I did.

Why spend money on PPC when there is tons of organic free traffic, massive free traffic out there. This is what Brian is tapping into so that he can enjoy $700, $800 and even $900 plus days. All with with out spending a penny on PPC, advertising or other expensive advertising programs.

There are many Web 2.0 systems popping up out there, but this is not one of them. This is not another "Guru secret" or another scam that talks about free Google clicks. I know that after being in the affiliate marketing space for awhile with so many overly hyped products claiming such amazing results it becomes so easy to get jaded.

Heard Enough? Click Here To Find Out More About SEOPress Formula

Now let me point out what SEOPressFormula is NOT:

* An Adwords Or PPC System
* Is Not A Video Traffic System like YouTube or Revver
* Based On Hub Pages, Squidoo Or Other Free Sites
* Is Not Old Rehashed "SEO" Info You Have Already Read
* Complicated or Complex

So what can SSEOPressFormula do for you?:

* Help You ID Niche Markets With Large Profit Potential
but little competition
* Launch an Advanced Web 2.0 Traffic Magnet
* Show How To Setup Your Site Based On Brian's *Money Word Report*
(You will learn ways to structure your site based on the SEOPressFormula money word report)
* Create A Site Based On What Google Likes to See
* Leveraging Others To Help Multiply Your Efforts

What Come In The SSEOPressFormula eCourse?
SEOPressFormula will be giving you over 5 hours of How-To video tutorials. You will have a 75 page ebook offering crucial information on niche marketing online. You will also receive Brian's complete SEO optimized Wordpress Themeset (two themes each available in ten color palettes)that he has used to get his success. This all comes with a 60 day affiliate challenge to help you get the most out of this system.

Heard Enough? Click Here To Find Out More About SEOPress Formula

Wordpress Tutorial Video Titles:
While SeoPressFormula focuses alot on Wordpress it is actually focused on creating search engine optimized and friendly websites. When you SEO a site correctly it can drive free highly targeted traffic from Google, Yahoo and Msn.

Wordpress Video: 1 - Naming Your Site / Domain - 13 minutes
Wordpress Video: 2 - Auto Install Wordpress With Fantastico -11 minutes
Wordpress Video: 3 - Manually Install Wordpress - 16 minutes
Wordpress Video: 4 - Cleaning Up After Installation - 15 minutes
Wordpress Video: 5 - Site Core Elements Needed - 15 minutes Large File!
Wordpress Video: 6 - Wordpress Categories & LSI - 9.35 minutes
Wordpress Video: 7 - Permalinks - Best Permalinks For Seo - 13 minutes
Wordpress Video: 8 - General Settings - Writing - 4 minutes
Wordpress Video: 9 - General Settings - Reading - 7 minutes
Wordpress Video: 10 - General Settings - Discussion - 4 minutes
Wordpress Video: 11 - Privacy - Careful Here - 1 minutes
Wordpress Video: 12 - Pages & Posts Basics - 7:30 minutes
Wordpress Video: 13 - Plugins - Basics & What They Do - 9:30 minutes
Wordpress Video: 14 - Links & How To Use Links Effectively - 15 minutes
Wordpress Video: 15 - Working With Various Themes - 11:43 minutes
Wordpress Video: 16 - Themes Part Two - Editing Themes - 24 minutes
Wordpress Video: 17 - Posting Content - The Right Way - 9:20 minutes
Wordpress Video: 18 - Adsense Integration - 11 minutes
Wordpress Video: 19 - Database Backup - 5:28 minutes
Wordpress Video: 20 - Affiliate Links / Cloaking Plugin - 6 minutes
Wordpress Video: 21 - Automatic Wordpress Update - 5 minutes
Wordpress Video: 22 - Google Sitemaps Do's & Don'ts - 11:27 minutes
Wordpress Video: 23 - Add A Custom Header - - 12:45 minutes
Wordpress Video: 24 - All in One Seo Plugin - 19 minutes
Wordpress Video: 25 - Fight Blog Comment Spam - 5:29 minutes
Wordpress Video: 26 - SeoPress Theme (sidebar explained) - 7:50 minutes
Wordpress Video: 27 - Plugin: Auto Social Poster - 6:40 minutes
Wordpress Video: 28 - Plugin: Popshops - 7 minutes
Wordpress Video: 29 - Working With Css (stylesheets)

75 page Training Manual
The traiing manual for SeoPressFormula has you focus on understanding what people are searching for online and how you can tap into those profitable niches.

The Ebook Chapers Are:

SeoPressFormula Theme set User Manual
How To Identify Profitable Niches Online
My "Money Keywords" Report (chapter)
The Internet Marketers Publishing Mindset
How To Leverage The Power Of Others To Increase Your Online Earnings
Web 2.0 Scripts, Tools & How To Drive Tons Of Free Traffic To Your Free Site

Heard Enough? Click Here To Find Out More About SEOPress Formula

The SeoPressFormula 60 Day Affiliate Payload Challenge
One of the best features of SEOPressFormula is the 60 Day Affiliate Payload Challenge. This is for anyone that has struggled with putting a home based computer business or affiliate marketing plan together that actually can make money.

The 60 Day Affiliate Challenge is a tutorial email course that will hold your hand and walk you step by step through your first two months using the SeoPressFormula system. Over a 60 day period you will receive emails instructing you on just what you should be doing, and how. You will receive information on how to choose the right niche. How to launch your wordpress based site in a way that Google webmasters recommend. Best ways to add content and so much more.

A Personal Message From Brian Johnson
"As you can see this is an enormous course with tons of in-depth coverage on how to drive free money making traffic. The core concepts taught here have allowed me to launch numerous money making sites, buy SeoPressFormula today and start crafting your own money making empire online"

Heard Enough? Click Here To Find Out More About SEOPress Formula

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

ClickBank Squeeze Videos- CBSqueezeVideo Infomercial

Click The Image Below To See an Example of What
CBSqueeze Video Infomercials are all about

I am sure that you have heard the viral buzz about Jay Douglas's new product called CBSqueeze marketing videos. If not then you are in for a real treat.

I was looking around the Internet to find a way to create nice looking videos. I was tired or creating those tired old, same old, YouTube grainy, poor quality videos. I found Jay and I have not looked back.

Jay has released professional marketing videos for the most popular Clickbank products. Essentially, once a month he goes over to Clickbank, sees what's the most popular products and services selling, picks ten (10) of them and then creates 90 second professional video infomercials for all ten products.

Why is that such a big deal?

To be able to take advantage of this you must be one of the first 500 people who get over to his website and register. You will get a shot at getting these videos - for free!

These videos are perfect for affiliates looking to promote the hottest Clickbank products.

Jay Douglas is considered one of the best, if not THE best at Internet video infomercial
production. Most likely you've seen his work if you've been around the Internet for any length of time.

He's been doing it for years and he normally charges $1275 for each video he produces for his clients. That's not a hyped up figure, that's exactly what he charges his clients because his videos get results!

Over the past few years he's produced video infomercials for the biggest names in Internet marketing. And now, he's literally making these videos available for free.

But that's not all...

Jay also provides ten matching affiliate squeeze pages each month, along with each video.
The squeeze page includes a headline, the video and an optin form to collect visitor details.

And it gets even better...

Each video is encoded with your Clickbank affiliate link so when the video stops playing
it automatically redirects the viewer through your affiliate link to the Clickbank merchant's
page. This way you automatically get credit for the sale when a purchase is made.

There's lots more to tell. But the important thing is for you get your buns over to Jay's
web site right now before all 500 spaces are gone.

Click The Banner To find out More

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Convert Jing SWF files to YouTube Friendly File

I found this new cool FREE software called Jing, it is like CamStudio.

I wanted to share a How to Video on how to use the new free Jing screen capture and video software, and convert the SWF file to a more YouTube friendly file.

For those of you seeking a free alternative to Camtasia, this is easier to use than CamStudio. At least I think so, I would like to have feed back on that.

Screen Capture
SWF to M

Monday, October 13, 2008

How To Create A Mind Movie by Tobias Fransson

My Friend Tobias Fransson shows you how to create a mind movie:

Get the Full "how to create a mind movie" "what is a mind movie" video here

By entering your information in the box to the right.

This How to Create your own MIND MOVE video covers.

* Where to find images for your mind movies.

* About using music in your mind movie.

* Use Mind Movie Narration in your video using your own voice.

* How you make your mindsmovie come Alive.

* How To know where your you want to change your image slides in relations to the music.

* How to use Pan, Zoom and rotation to make your movie come to life.

* Learn How to use a neat trick on how to use the Flash transition effect to look real when working with images.

This How To make your own MINDMOVIE is just the first 6 minutes of the entire Video.
To get the full version video go to http://www.tobias-fransson
and fill in your information in the box to the right.

You will also get access to more how to videos and blog updates when they become available.
Including the upcoming "how to create a mind movie" "what is a mind movie" for the free Windows Movie Maker.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Robert Kiyosaki and Mike Dillard Training Call on Predicting The Financial Future

Here's the recording of Mike Dillard's training call with Robert Kiyosaki about his Predicting the Financial Future.

This is an amazing Message and one you need to listen to. Thank you to Robert, John, Kelly, and everyone else for their support in getting this incredibly important message out to everyone.

We are in historic times right now, and it will be interesting to come back and listen to this call again 3-5 years from now. Mike

Listen To the Call Between Mike Dillard and Robert Kiyosaki Now

Here are some Robert Kiysoaki books you should have:

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Robert Kiyosaki’s “How to Predict the Future” Seminar

HOW TO PREDICT THE FUTURE 3-Day Seminar with Robert Kiyosaki

October 24th, 25th & 26th, 2008 • Scottsdale, Arizona

During the 3-day seminar, Robert will focus on topics that include:

1. How to predict the future

By studying Dr. R. Buckminster Fuller’s work on prognostication, you will learn how the future is not traveling in a straight line. You will learn how to change your life by changing your future.

2. How to create your future

Robert and Rich Dad’s Advisor Blair Singer will teach PERT (Planning Evaluation Review Technique). Through this you will gain the ability to go into the future and create backwards. PERT was the planning technique used to put the first humans on the moon.

3. How to print your own money (and change your financial future)

One of the most powerful books Robert has read is Dr. Fuller’s Grunch of Giants, GRUNCH stands for Gross Universal Cash Heist. The book is about how the rich print their own money and why they’re rich. You will learn to do the same. More importantly, you will learn how to prosper from the future of money…not be a victim of it.

Watch Video - Register

Robert Kiyosaki Buckminster

Monday, October 6, 2008

Network Marketers - Brand Yourself Not Your Opportunity

406.240.7657 - Rebecca Holman - Branding The Power of You
We built the MLM Lead System program for one main reason...
There are 5 reasons why checking out YourStoryBrandPro will EXPLODE YOUR BUSINESS!!!

This System Provides you with the Tools For:

406.240.7657 - Rebecca Holman - Branding The Power of You

1. List Building
2. Affiliate Marketing
3. Residual Income
4. Cashflow
5. Branding The Power of YOU!!!

Thats right, we built this system for YOU so that you could now market like a top earner starting today.

There's a reason why the top earners make money hand over fist and why the 97% are left in the cold and we are dedicated to completely turn that number upside down here at MLM Lead System PRO.

We are going to force you into that necessary leadership role so that YOU can start making money, attracting leaders, and exploding your business.

You will use our templates, you can customize them as you see fit (not marketing your business or product) and you will put yourself on our websites...its YOUR personal branded marketing system.

The inside will line your pockets with cash as you train your new leads / members. They will build trust with you, they will learn to like you, they will see you as the "expert and leader" in this industry because we've positioned you that way (this will force you into a leadership role) and when the time is right...BINGO!

YOU have just sponsored the easiest member into your business you will ever find.

This is how the big boys play...and we are excited as hell to allow YOU to play the game the way we have been playing all along.

You ready?

It starts today: Go To

I'll see you on the inside! If you think I'm bluffing we're giving you a $1.00 trial to see if we're all that we say we are...You've got NOTHING to lose!

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Saturday, October 4, 2008

{MLM Lead System}Shout Out To Norbert Olewicz, Brian Fanale, Todd Schlomer

Norbert, Brian And Todd built the MLM Lead System program for one main reason...


There are 5 reasons why checking out YourStoryBrandPro will EXPLODE YOUR BUSINESS!!!

This System Provides you with the Tools For:

1. List Building
2. Affiliate Marketing
3. Residual Income
4. Cashflow
5. Branding The Power of YOU!!!

Thats right, we built this system for YOU so that you could now market like a top earner starting today.

There's a reason why the top earners make money hand over fist and why the 97% are left in the cold and we are dedicated to completely turn that number upside down here at MLM Lead System PRO.

We are going to force you into that necessary leadership role so that YOU can start making money, attracting leaders, and exploding your business.

You will use our templates, you can customize them as you see fit (not marketing your business or product) and you will put yourself on our websites...its YOUR personal branded marketing system.

The inside will line your pockets with cash as you train your new leads / members. They will build trust with you, they will learn to like you, they will see you as the "expert and leader" in this industry because we've positioned you that way (this will force you into a leadership role) and when the time is right...BINGO!

YOU have just sponsored the easiest member into your business you will ever find.

This is how the big boys play...and we are excited as hell to allow YOU to play the game the way we have been playing all along.

You ready?

It starts today: Go To

I'll see you on the inside! If you think I'm bluffing we're giving you a $1.00 trial to see if we're all that we say we are...You've got NOTHING to lose!

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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

MLM Experts Speak Out- Testimonial About Rebecca Holman

Here is thanks to my good friend and associate, Kyle Clouse. He speaks with authority about the effectiveness of Rebecca Holman as an online business coach and mentor along with the new system and training offered at:

Here is thanks to my good friend and associate, Kyle Clouse. He speaks with authority about the effectiveness of Rebecca Holman as an online business coach and mentor along with the new system and training offered at:

Rebecca Holman has provided a system and training that has, as of recent, been a network marketing secret used by top earners. Now the secret is OUT.

The bottom line is that you need to brand and market YOU. You have to stop marketing your business opportunity. The sad but true reality is that people dont care about your network marketing opportunity. They only care about what they can learn to get ahead. If you can help them then they will be attracted to YOU and want to follow YOU.

After YOU go through the system and training I will show you, you will know more than 97% of all network marketers in the industry. This same knowledge can help you to be part of the top 3%. **Hint** 97% of network marketers dont know this stuff and that is why 97% struggle and fail. Dont be part of the 97%! Check it out..There are free Videos to learn from at:

Be My Friend at MySpace

Follow Me On FriendFeed

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Market America Reps - Learn How To Brand Yourself Online

Market America Reps, your portal is not online. So whatcha gonna do?

Google does not allow your replicated company sites up. So I would like to show you how you can Brand Yourself and leverage the Power of The Internet. The 3 Foot Rule is DEAD! Web 2.0 reigns.

Why listen to me? My name is Rebecca Holman, and I am Unfranchise owner like you. I have become an online business coach and mentor to assist others like you in learning my new system and training offered at:
I want to provid you a system and training that has, as of recent, been a network marketing secret used by top earners. Now the secret is OUT.

The bottom line is that you need to brand and market YOU. You have to stop marketing your business opportunity. The sad but true reality is that people don*t care about your network marketing opportunity. They only care about what they can learn to get ahead. If you can help them then they will be attracted to YOU and want to follow YOU.

After YOU go through the system and training I will show you, you will know more than 97% of all network marketers in the industry. This same knowledge can help you to be part of the top 3%. **Hint** 97% of network marketers dont know this stuff and that is why 97% struggle and fail. Dont be part of the 97%! Check it out..There are free Videos to learn from at:

Be My Friend at MySpace

Follow Me On FriendFeed

Monday, September 29, 2008

MLM Lead Training Online - Testimonal for Rebecca Holman

Here is thanks to my good friend and associate, Burt McClure. He speaks with passion about the effectiveness of Rebecca Holman as an online business coach and mentor along with the new system and training offered at:

Rebecca Holman has provided a system and training that has, as of recent, been a network marketing secret used by top earners. Now the secret is OUT.

The bottom line is that you need to brand and market YOU. You have to stop marketing your business opportunity. The sad but true reality is that people dont care about your network marketing opportunity. They only care about what they can learn to get ahead. If you can help them then they will be attracted to YOU and want to follow YOU.

After YOU go through the system and training I will show you, you will know more than 97% of all network marketers in the industry. This same knowledge can help you to be part of the top 3%. **Hint** 97% of network marketers dont know this stuff and that is why 97% struggle and fail. Dont be part of the 97%! Check it out..There are free Videos to learn from at:

Be My Friend at MySpace

Follow Me On FriendFeed

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Network Marketing Training Expert Shows How To Make Money OnLine-Reveals Secrets

MLM Lead Training Online

Here is thanks to my good friend and associate, Ron Simon. He speaks with passion about the effectiveness of Rebecca Holman as an online business coach and mentor along with the new system and training offered at:

MLM Lead Training Online

Rebecca Holman has provided a system and training that has, as of recent, been a network marketing secret used by top earners. Now the secret is OUT.

The bottom line is that you need to brand and market YOU. You have to stop marketing your business opportunity. The sad but true reality is that people dont care about your network marketing opportunity. They only care about what they can learn to get ahead. If you can help them then they will be attracted to YOU and want to follow YOU. Check Out The Videos NOW!:

MLM Lead Training Online

After YOU go through the system and training I will show you, you will know more than 97% of all network marketers in the industry. This same knowledge can help you to be part of the top 3%. **Hint** 97% of network marketers dont know this stuff and that is why 97% struggle and fail. Dont be part of the 97%! Check it out..There are free Videos to learn from at:

MLM Lead Training Online

Be My Friend at MySpace

Follow Me On FriendFeed

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Financial Freedom can change your life - Learn to Make Money online - If you are seeking personal online success. It is time to build success for your work from home opportunities.To make money online you need coaching, empowerment and goal setting to change your life. Make 2008 the success story you wanted it to be from the start. Get career coaching from successful entrepreneurs willing to show you their secrets. Sign up TODAY.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Death To Labor Day As We Know It

To the Death Of Labor Day As We Know It.

Labor day is over 100 years old, yet workers are struggling more than ever. Where the heck is the celbration? This INSANITY HAS GOT TO STOP. Are you making ends meet? Are you a happy worker? Do you have the financial education that is needed to protect your family in a declining economy.

Come on, stop fooling your self and get off the tread mill that will lead you to disaster. Now is the time to build your life and celebrate Laborless Day EVERY Day. To have the freedom you seek to take time off with your family when ever you want.Holy Moly, if you could have that freedom what would you do. So let me outline some steps to help you get on your way.

Are you already trying to start a business from home? Well STOP Promoting Your Network Marketing Business Opportunity. Just Stop It. When you’re marketing consists mostly of throwing your business out there at every opportunity, guess what That is the fastest way to go broke. Why?

Well there are Two reasons I know of personally:
1. First You will have to literally recruit and train 100s of reps before you make any real money in most MLM programs. But don't get me wrong. MLM model is one model I use myself to build my RESIDUAL income.

BUT...if you are only promoting your MLM business opportunity alone you already know that it will not generate a significant amount of cash flow in the short term. So how can you afford to stay in business?

To END your LABORing Days Forever Your business NEEDS CASHFLOW to survive and thrive. To End Your Laboring Day Forever you need to follow what the Top Producers are doing and follow the CASHFLOW to WEALTH SYSTEM so you can build our business FAST! To End Your Laboring Days Forever You need to find quality prospects for your business AND you need to leverage the funded proposal to get MONEY in your pockets NOW in order for your business to THRIVE!

So Do You know what the Cashflow to Wealth System is? This is a system where you teach your team, people like you, how to use CASHFLOW PRODUCING programs and affiliate products to generate IMMEDIATE upfront CASHFLOW to fund and explode your business. This process is still kind of a secret system, and only because of advances in technology is it something that can be leveraged by everyone with an Internet connection. The CASHFLOW to WEALTH SYSTEM sadly is something that most marketers will never understand.

You can certainly decide to remain with the 97% of marketers that are currently making nothing? But you have the choice now for the first time to be part of the 3% and learn a SYSTEM you can apply to promote any opportunity.

End Your Laboring Days forever. If you're totally frustrated and want to stop chasing people while trying to convince them to join YOUR AMAZING business Opportunity. If you know in your heart of hearts that there has to be an easier way to ATTRACT quality people to you, then please take the time to learn this new system that is available to those that are open to learning a new and powerful system.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Niche Dominator - Time To Dominate Your Niche


Do you hang out in the Warrior Forums? Then it is very possible that you have heard of Cam Forbes and his amazingly powerful and successful software, "5 Minute Minisites"? Then again, maybe not. I know it changed my life and work on the web.

Click Here to get your copy of Niche Dominator

NOW...... Cam is introducing something even more revolutionary!

I know for a fact that Cam has spent countless hours programming and including all the incredible ideas from his user group and forum to including proprietary SEO Web2 BRUTE FORCE site building and indexing strategies, now he has launched the amazing:

NICHE DOMINATOR site builder:
  • Build MONEY-MAKING NICHE WEBSITES in 1 minute. REALLY! He even shows you how.

  • Each site will grow virally with self-updating text content, on-theme video content, the best monetization modules, and the latest AJAX controls to give each site a professional appearance that enhances long-term visitor stickiness!

  • Watch your income grow daily and eventually by the hour!
Click Here to get your copy of Niche Dominator

Are you ready to build EASY VRE EQUITY AND CASH FLOW then you have too learn how to build 100 Niche sites per day that each earn $1 (some sites will earn up to $100) per day. Seriously Folks this is REAL. I use this myself to build my empire.

Cam shows you how to build as many sites as you desire by simply following a proven formula!

Cam shows you how to do it with detailed step by step videos in your back office, through forum support and real examples that you can learn from.

While this is not your typical light-weight internet web tool - it is still simple enough for even beginners to learn and master quickly.

The launch has happened - SO check it out. Cams offers are normally limited so as not to swamp the market so you need to get in on this right away.

WARNING: The only thing that separates you from making a few dollars per day to possibly making hundreds or thousands of dollars per day is TAKING THE TIME TO READ EVERYTHING AND WATCHING ALL THE VIDEOS at the link below and then making the decision to get involved.

Yep, you will need to invest the time to do your due diligence and watch the videos. But if this is the beginning of your journey to mastering the internet's wealth opportunities then it can start with your next click.....see you on the other side!

Click Here to get your copy of Niche Dominator

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Your Upline Is Lying To You?

by Rebecca Holman

Are you new to network marketing? If you are then maybe you have scratched your head over the old fashioned techniques that your upline is feeding to you. This is not blaspheme, but they could be keeping you from making money by serving up old 90s techniques that just don't work in the modern Internet world.

Don't kid yourself, you know what I am talking about. That "Warm List" the "3-foot Rule" those meetings at the Holiday Inn. This is the Internet era and those old style ways are limiting your abilities my friend. Smart Marketers that understand the "New School" ways of building a business online are going to destroy the folks that just don't get it.

It is time to bring your thinking into the new century. This new system of selling does not have you cold calling disinterested people. This new system does not have your stalking strangers on street corners and in coffee shops. You don't need to buy leads either.

I know what its like to struggle in this industry. For the last 3 years I followed the training of my upline, struggling to get anyone to sign up in my business. I live in Montana, so the pickings are very limited and once you have gone through your list of 100 (if you know that many people) you are done my friend you will be shunned. No more BBQ invites..and if you have changed opportunities more than once FAGEDDABOUTIT, you might as well have a social disease.

Let me tell you, I know first hand the feelings, struggles, frustrations you have felt. Who wants to chase disinterested strangers around, call strangers on the phone, put up fliers? We are all excited at first, but then when nothing happened after trying for so long what should you do if you are not seeing any results?

I was lucky to stumble upon a training system that can allow me to work with only serious entrepreneurs 24/7/365. Because the training is online, I just plug my team members into and it is instantly duplicatable, because the system is in place anyone can follow up. Your members get their OWN website and automated training program as well, so that they can train their group. This makes results traceable and predictable.

To make your system as accessible as possible, it should allow for unique sites for each team member, but no need for HTML or coding. This will allow even the newbie to compete with the experienced network marketer. Your attrition rates will be less because there is no cold calling, no chasing warm or cold leads, no badgering. As a matter of fact you are not presenting your primary opportunity up front. So I have not taken away all your hurdles to failure. What are you going to do now?

Rebecca Holman trains with commited entrepreneurs that are growing Web 2.0 Businesses BiB Training using a new system. Enter the future of the internet view my YouTube Video- Has Your Upline Lied To You?

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Has Your Upline Lied To You?

I want to help you to generate MLM Leads and How To Make More Money FAST! It is Time to Learn the Truth about MLM Myths so that You Can Learn How To Build Your Online Business BIG and FAST with Your Very Own MLM Marketing System. If You don't have your own branded site or a way to train your downline, YOU WILL FAIL.

I am working with multi-millionaires that went from struggling in MLM years to making $23,570 or more in 6 weeks. They used the training & systems I am teaching you at

This is currently THE CUTTING EDGE and best MLM Network Marketing Lead Training and MLM Marketing System Available for FREE on the Internet. I want to help you to Learn FREE MLM Marketing Tips, internet MLM marketing, MLM Low-Cost Marketing and Attraction Marketing.

Find Out More at

- Rebecca Holman, Internet Network Marketing Trainer

Saturday, August 16, 2008

3 Web 2.0 Tactics To Automate Your MLM Downline Training

by Rebecca Holman

It does not matter what your network marketing opportunity is, it is time to challenge your thinking on how to make your living using the new Web 2.0 tactics. I am sure you realize that you now have access to limitless prospects that enter the world wide web every day, seeking home based employment.

I live in Montana, so I can tell you first hand that the "3 Foot Rule" can not work for your more rural clients. Once you pitch, Aunt Mary and Cousin Fred for the 3rd new opportunity you have found, they will avoid you like the plague. So it is time to stop telling your downline to make that silly list of 100 warmed over people.

I want to show you a few tips on how you can build your business the smart way. I struggled for several years doing it the old way, so I know your frustration.

Tip 1. Stop promoting your business, no matter if its Quixtar or Carbon Copy Pro. Start promoting "YOU". This is called "Attraction Marketing". The good thing is, this way your list is YOURS and not your companies, should you decide to change your MLM opportunity.

Tip 2. Sorry to break the news but, most people you are looking for ARE NOT looking for your MLM opportunity. There is a lack of good training and leadership in the marketplace today. If you provide either of those first, then the prospect will follow your example. It is now easier than you think to do this, and do it on autopilot.

Tip 3. Set your downline up with a system that puts them on autopilot. Duplication is easier than ever if you have the correct system in place.

3a. Your MLM training system needs to give your downline training videos on the latest Web 2.0 traffic tactics. 3b. Your lead training system must give them a website, not just a replicated website, but one that they can easily brand themselves, YET NOT NEED ANY HTML SKILLS... 3c.Your training must offer them a series of autoresponder emails written by professional copywriters, so that they can begin followups of their opt in, without struggling about what to write.

(MLM)Network Marketing has entered the new century so you need to get out of the 90s. If you are not networking the new Web 2.0 way you will always be broke. If your opportunity does not allow you to use new techniques then you should RUN from them, they are keeping you broke and tired.

When you move forward to implement an automated MLM Lead Training System as described above, your downline will explode. You can now prospect to 50 -100 or more leads a day, 24/7/365. The old ways are gone..."Welcome to The Real World, Neo"

Rebecca Holman is teaching her dynamic team optimize the newest Web 2.0 social networking tactics at MLM Lead Training Online. Click here to find out more and receive your 7 Free Videos on Attraction Marketing Don't reprint this article. Instead, reprint a free unique content version of this same article.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Midlife Wealth Crisis A Major Concern For Many

By RebeccaHolman

Today the news shows that inflation is rising at an alarming rate. Workers wonder how they can retire comfortably. Do you have the financial education necessary to avoid a Midlife Wealth Crisis?


The news has not been good for some time. Forget the Ferrari you are being told, your retirement years will most likely find you working at Wal-mart if you don't take control of the bleeding of your funds now. Inflation is claiming all your hard earned savings so it is imperative that you find an alternative.

Most of us are lacking the financial education that only the Wealthy are privy to. Rebecca Holman is proud to announce her alliance with Wealth Masters International and CarbonCopyPro.

Mid-life Wealth Crisis is due to the fact that for workers today their lives have become more credit-driven and much more complex. There are just too many choices, opportunities, products, prices, yields, rates, margins, it is hard to make the right choices. Most of us lack the proper financial education to make the right choices, so you make poor choices instead. You must take control of your financial landscape. We need to do something different.

This lack of wealth creation education has created the perfect storm for a Midlife Wealth Crisis. The current financial climate has set us up for disastrous results for the average American family.

* Americans owe more money today than ever before.
* U.S. installment debt has grown to over one trillion dollars.
* Household debt has grown to over 90% of annual disposable income.
* Consumer delinquency rates, bankruptcies and foreclosures have reached all-time highs.
* An alarming number of households do not have retirement plans or emergency plans in place.

To avoid your personal Midlife Wealth Crisis you need to regain control of your financial life in the midst of all this turmoil.

Membership through Rebecca Holman and her alliances provide assistance with learning to control:

* Financial Needs and Goals Analysis
* Debt Restructuring for Maximum Monthly Cash Flow
* Strategic Debt Elimination Plans
* Credit Repair and Improvement
* Wealth Building Education
* Wealth Accumulation Strategies

Find out more, if you want to avoid your MidLife Wealth Crisis Today. Take control of your destiny today.

Avoid Your MidLife Wealth Crisis Today

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Mid Life Crisis - Definintion from Wikipedia

Before we can determine what a Mid Life Wealth Crisis is, we need to know what a Midlife Crisis in general is.


Individuals experiencing a mid-life crisis have some of these feelings:

  • search of an undefined dream or goal
  • a deep sense of remorse for goals not accomplished
  • desire to achieve a feeling of youthfulness
  • need to spend more time alone or with certain peers

They exhibit some of these behaviors:

  • abuse of alcohol
  • conspicuous consumption -- acquisition of unusual or expensive items such as clothing, sports cars, jewellery, gadgets, tattoos, motorbikes, etc.
  • depression
  • paying special attention to physical appearance

Midlife crisis is a term used in Western societies to describe a period of dramatic self-doubt that is felt by some individuals in the "middle years" of life, as a result of sensing the passing of youth and the imminence of old age. Sometimes, transitions experienced in these years, such as aging in general, menopause, the death of parents, or children leaving home, can trigger such a crisis. The result may be a desire to make significant changes in core aspects of day to day life or situation, such as in career, marriage, or romantic relationships.

Academic research since the 1980s rejects the notion of midlife crisis as a phase that most adults go through. In one study, less than 10% of people had psychological crises due to their age or aging.[1] Personality type and a history of psychological crisis are believed to predispose some people to this "traditional" midlife crisis.[2] People going through this suffer a variety of symptoms and exhibit disparate behaviors.

Many middle aged adults experience major life events that can cause a period of psychological stress or depression, such as the death of a loved one, or a career setback. However, those events could have happened earlier or later in life, making them a "crisis," but not necessarily a midlife one. In the same study, 15% of middle-aged adults experienced this type of midlife turmoil.

Some studies indicate that some cultures may be more sensitive to this phenomenon than others. One study found that there is little evidence that people undergo midlife crises in Japanese and Indian cultures, raising the question of whether a midlife crises is mainly a cultural construct. The authors hypothesized that the "culture of youth" in Western societies accounts for the popularity of the midlife crisis concept there.[3]

Researchers have found that midlife is often a time for reflection and reassessment, but this is not always accompanied by the psychological upheaval popularly associated with "midlife crisis".[4]