Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Market America Reps - Learn How To Brand Yourself Online

Market America Reps, your portal is not online. So whatcha gonna do?


Google does not allow your replicated company sites up. So I would like to show you how you can Brand Yourself and leverage the Power of The Internet. The 3 Foot Rule is DEAD! Web 2.0 reigns.

Why listen to me? My name is Rebecca Holman, and I am Unfranchise owner like you. I have become an online business coach and mentor to assist others like you in learning my new system and training offered at:

I want to provid you a system and training that has, as of recent, been a network marketing secret used by top earners. Now the secret is OUT.

The bottom line is that you need to brand and market YOU. You have to stop marketing your business opportunity. The sad but true reality is that people don*t care about your network marketing opportunity. They only care about what they can learn to get ahead. If you can help them then they will be attracted to YOU and want to follow YOU.


After YOU go through the system and training I will show you, you will know more than 97% of all network marketers in the industry. This same knowledge can help you to be part of the top 3%. **Hint** 97% of network marketers dont know this stuff and that is why 97% struggle and fail. Dont be part of the 97%! Check it out..There are free Videos to learn from at:


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