by Rebecca Holman
It does not matter what your network marketing opportunity is, it is time to challenge your thinking on how to make your living using the new Web 2.0 tactics. I am sure you realize that you now have access to limitless prospects that enter the world wide web every day, seeking home based employment.
I live in Montana, so I can tell you first hand that the "3 Foot Rule" can not work for your more rural clients. Once you pitch, Aunt Mary and Cousin Fred for the 3rd new opportunity you have found, they will avoid you like the plague. So it is time to stop telling your downline to make that silly list of 100 warmed over people.
I want to show you a few tips on how you can build your business the smart way. I struggled for several years doing it the old way, so I know your frustration.
Tip 1. Stop promoting your business, no matter if its Quixtar or Carbon Copy Pro. Start promoting "YOU". This is called "Attraction Marketing". The good thing is, this way your list is YOURS and not your companies, should you decide to change your MLM opportunity.
Tip 2. Sorry to break the news but, most people you are looking for ARE NOT looking for your MLM opportunity. There is a lack of good training and leadership in the marketplace today. If you provide either of those first, then the prospect will follow your example. It is now easier than you think to do this, and do it on autopilot.
Tip 3. Set your downline up with a system that puts them on autopilot. Duplication is easier than ever if you have the correct system in place.
3a. Your MLM training system needs to give your downline training videos on the latest Web 2.0 traffic tactics. 3b. Your lead training system must give them a website, not just a replicated website, but one that they can easily brand themselves, YET NOT NEED ANY HTML SKILLS... 3c.Your training must offer them a series of autoresponder emails written by professional copywriters, so that they can begin followups of their opt in, without struggling about what to write.
(MLM)Network Marketing has entered the new century so you need to get out of the 90s. If you are not networking the new Web 2.0 way you will always be broke. If your opportunity does not allow you to use new techniques then you should RUN from them, they are keeping you broke and tired.
When you move forward to implement an automated MLM Lead Training System as described above, your downline will explode. You can now prospect to 50 -100 or more leads a day, 24/7/365. The old ways are gone..."Welcome to The Real World, Neo"
Rebecca Holman is teaching her dynamic team optimize the newest Web 2.0 social networking tactics at MLM Lead Training Online. Click here to find out more and receive your 7 Free Videos on Attraction Marketing Don't reprint this article. Instead, reprint a free unique content version of this same article.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
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