by Rebecca Holman
Are you new to network marketing? If you are then maybe you have scratched your head over the old fashioned techniques that your upline is feeding to you. This is not blaspheme, but they could be keeping you from making money by serving up old 90s techniques that just don't work in the modern Internet world.
Don't kid yourself, you know what I am talking about. That "Warm List" the "3-foot Rule" those meetings at the Holiday Inn. This is the Internet era and those old style ways are limiting your abilities my friend. Smart Marketers that understand the "New School" ways of building a business online are going to destroy the folks that just don't get it.
It is time to bring your thinking into the new century. This new system of selling does not have you cold calling disinterested people. This new system does not have your stalking strangers on street corners and in coffee shops. You don't need to buy leads either.
I know what its like to struggle in this industry. For the last 3 years I followed the training of my upline, struggling to get anyone to sign up in my business. I live in Montana, so the pickings are very limited and once you have gone through your list of 100 (if you know that many people) you are done my friend you will be shunned. No more BBQ invites..and if you have changed opportunities more than once FAGEDDABOUTIT, you might as well have a social disease.
Let me tell you, I know first hand the feelings, struggles, frustrations you have felt. Who wants to chase disinterested strangers around, call strangers on the phone, put up fliers? We are all excited at first, but then when nothing happened after trying for so long what should you do if you are not seeing any results?
I was lucky to stumble upon a training system that can allow me to work with only serious entrepreneurs 24/7/365. Because the training is online, I just plug my team members into and it is instantly duplicatable, because the system is in place anyone can follow up. Your members get their OWN website and automated training program as well, so that they can train their group. This makes results traceable and predictable.
To make your system as accessible as possible, it should allow for unique sites for each team member, but no need for HTML or coding. This will allow even the newbie to compete with the experienced network marketer. Your attrition rates will be less because there is no cold calling, no chasing warm or cold leads, no badgering. As a matter of fact you are not presenting your primary opportunity up front. So I have not taken away all your hurdles to failure. What are you going to do now?
Rebecca Holman trains with commited entrepreneurs that are growing Web 2.0 Businesses BiB Training using a new system. Enter the future of the internet view my YouTube Video- Has Your Upline Lied To You?
Saturday, August 30, 2008
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