Thursday, January 8, 2009

Press Release: 2009 Will Be The Year Of The Entrepreneur!


With massive layoffs and financial meltdowns in even the blue chip companies, people are turning more and more back to their forefather independent business owner roots.

Direct Sales authority Rebecca Holman has noticed a distinct upsurge in business development inquires. "I feel that Americans are returning back to their entrepreneurial roots" Ms. Holman stated in the interview.

Indeed when researching Google Trends one can find an uptick in work from home and money making business idea searches over the past few years.

With the economy seemingly going down, at least to those in traditional businesses, the prospects look great for Direct Sales and MLM marketers.

As more and more people are laid off, they are seeking recession proof alternatives, especially in high income business opportunities, such as personal development (a $9 billion dollar industry- google answers expects it to surge to $11 billion) and Internet Marketing.

Up until now, many shied away from these opportunities, seeing them as risky, but as jobs, even at previously secure employers disappear, many are seeking to regain control of their own lives.

Go to site: High Income Business Opportunites to find how you can capitalize on this trend