Thursday, August 14, 2008

Midlife Wealth Crisis A Major Concern For Many

By RebeccaHolman

Today the news shows that inflation is rising at an alarming rate. Workers wonder how they can retire comfortably. Do you have the financial education necessary to avoid a Midlife Wealth Crisis?


The news has not been good for some time. Forget the Ferrari you are being told, your retirement years will most likely find you working at Wal-mart if you don't take control of the bleeding of your funds now. Inflation is claiming all your hard earned savings so it is imperative that you find an alternative.

Most of us are lacking the financial education that only the Wealthy are privy to. Rebecca Holman is proud to announce her alliance with Wealth Masters International and CarbonCopyPro.

Mid-life Wealth Crisis is due to the fact that for workers today their lives have become more credit-driven and much more complex. There are just too many choices, opportunities, products, prices, yields, rates, margins, it is hard to make the right choices. Most of us lack the proper financial education to make the right choices, so you make poor choices instead. You must take control of your financial landscape. We need to do something different.

This lack of wealth creation education has created the perfect storm for a Midlife Wealth Crisis. The current financial climate has set us up for disastrous results for the average American family.

* Americans owe more money today than ever before.
* U.S. installment debt has grown to over one trillion dollars.
* Household debt has grown to over 90% of annual disposable income.
* Consumer delinquency rates, bankruptcies and foreclosures have reached all-time highs.
* An alarming number of households do not have retirement plans or emergency plans in place.

To avoid your personal Midlife Wealth Crisis you need to regain control of your financial life in the midst of all this turmoil.

Membership through Rebecca Holman and her alliances provide assistance with learning to control:

* Financial Needs and Goals Analysis
* Debt Restructuring for Maximum Monthly Cash Flow
* Strategic Debt Elimination Plans
* Credit Repair and Improvement
* Wealth Building Education
* Wealth Accumulation Strategies

Find out more, if you want to avoid your MidLife Wealth Crisis Today. Take control of your destiny today.

Avoid Your MidLife Wealth Crisis Today

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