Saturday, August 30, 2008

Your Upline Is Lying To You?

by Rebecca Holman

Are you new to network marketing? If you are then maybe you have scratched your head over the old fashioned techniques that your upline is feeding to you. This is not blaspheme, but they could be keeping you from making money by serving up old 90s techniques that just don't work in the modern Internet world.

Don't kid yourself, you know what I am talking about. That "Warm List" the "3-foot Rule" those meetings at the Holiday Inn. This is the Internet era and those old style ways are limiting your abilities my friend. Smart Marketers that understand the "New School" ways of building a business online are going to destroy the folks that just don't get it.

It is time to bring your thinking into the new century. This new system of selling does not have you cold calling disinterested people. This new system does not have your stalking strangers on street corners and in coffee shops. You don't need to buy leads either.

I know what its like to struggle in this industry. For the last 3 years I followed the training of my upline, struggling to get anyone to sign up in my business. I live in Montana, so the pickings are very limited and once you have gone through your list of 100 (if you know that many people) you are done my friend you will be shunned. No more BBQ invites..and if you have changed opportunities more than once FAGEDDABOUTIT, you might as well have a social disease.

Let me tell you, I know first hand the feelings, struggles, frustrations you have felt. Who wants to chase disinterested strangers around, call strangers on the phone, put up fliers? We are all excited at first, but then when nothing happened after trying for so long what should you do if you are not seeing any results?

I was lucky to stumble upon a training system that can allow me to work with only serious entrepreneurs 24/7/365. Because the training is online, I just plug my team members into and it is instantly duplicatable, because the system is in place anyone can follow up. Your members get their OWN website and automated training program as well, so that they can train their group. This makes results traceable and predictable.

To make your system as accessible as possible, it should allow for unique sites for each team member, but no need for HTML or coding. This will allow even the newbie to compete with the experienced network marketer. Your attrition rates will be less because there is no cold calling, no chasing warm or cold leads, no badgering. As a matter of fact you are not presenting your primary opportunity up front. So I have not taken away all your hurdles to failure. What are you going to do now?

Rebecca Holman trains with commited entrepreneurs that are growing Web 2.0 Businesses BiB Training using a new system. Enter the future of the internet view my YouTube Video- Has Your Upline Lied To You?

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Has Your Upline Lied To You?

I want to help you to generate MLM Leads and How To Make More Money FAST! It is Time to Learn the Truth about MLM Myths so that You Can Learn How To Build Your Online Business BIG and FAST with Your Very Own MLM Marketing System. If You don't have your own branded site or a way to train your downline, YOU WILL FAIL.

I am working with multi-millionaires that went from struggling in MLM years to making $23,570 or more in 6 weeks. They used the training & systems I am teaching you at

This is currently THE CUTTING EDGE and best MLM Network Marketing Lead Training and MLM Marketing System Available for FREE on the Internet. I want to help you to Learn FREE MLM Marketing Tips, internet MLM marketing, MLM Low-Cost Marketing and Attraction Marketing.

Find Out More at

- Rebecca Holman, Internet Network Marketing Trainer

Saturday, August 16, 2008

3 Web 2.0 Tactics To Automate Your MLM Downline Training

by Rebecca Holman

It does not matter what your network marketing opportunity is, it is time to challenge your thinking on how to make your living using the new Web 2.0 tactics. I am sure you realize that you now have access to limitless prospects that enter the world wide web every day, seeking home based employment.

I live in Montana, so I can tell you first hand that the "3 Foot Rule" can not work for your more rural clients. Once you pitch, Aunt Mary and Cousin Fred for the 3rd new opportunity you have found, they will avoid you like the plague. So it is time to stop telling your downline to make that silly list of 100 warmed over people.

I want to show you a few tips on how you can build your business the smart way. I struggled for several years doing it the old way, so I know your frustration.

Tip 1. Stop promoting your business, no matter if its Quixtar or Carbon Copy Pro. Start promoting "YOU". This is called "Attraction Marketing". The good thing is, this way your list is YOURS and not your companies, should you decide to change your MLM opportunity.

Tip 2. Sorry to break the news but, most people you are looking for ARE NOT looking for your MLM opportunity. There is a lack of good training and leadership in the marketplace today. If you provide either of those first, then the prospect will follow your example. It is now easier than you think to do this, and do it on autopilot.

Tip 3. Set your downline up with a system that puts them on autopilot. Duplication is easier than ever if you have the correct system in place.

3a. Your MLM training system needs to give your downline training videos on the latest Web 2.0 traffic tactics. 3b. Your lead training system must give them a website, not just a replicated website, but one that they can easily brand themselves, YET NOT NEED ANY HTML SKILLS... 3c.Your training must offer them a series of autoresponder emails written by professional copywriters, so that they can begin followups of their opt in, without struggling about what to write.

(MLM)Network Marketing has entered the new century so you need to get out of the 90s. If you are not networking the new Web 2.0 way you will always be broke. If your opportunity does not allow you to use new techniques then you should RUN from them, they are keeping you broke and tired.

When you move forward to implement an automated MLM Lead Training System as described above, your downline will explode. You can now prospect to 50 -100 or more leads a day, 24/7/365. The old ways are gone..."Welcome to The Real World, Neo"

Rebecca Holman is teaching her dynamic team optimize the newest Web 2.0 social networking tactics at MLM Lead Training Online. Click here to find out more and receive your 7 Free Videos on Attraction Marketing Don't reprint this article. Instead, reprint a free unique content version of this same article.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Midlife Wealth Crisis A Major Concern For Many

By RebeccaHolman

Today the news shows that inflation is rising at an alarming rate. Workers wonder how they can retire comfortably. Do you have the financial education necessary to avoid a Midlife Wealth Crisis?


The news has not been good for some time. Forget the Ferrari you are being told, your retirement years will most likely find you working at Wal-mart if you don't take control of the bleeding of your funds now. Inflation is claiming all your hard earned savings so it is imperative that you find an alternative.

Most of us are lacking the financial education that only the Wealthy are privy to. Rebecca Holman is proud to announce her alliance with Wealth Masters International and CarbonCopyPro.

Mid-life Wealth Crisis is due to the fact that for workers today their lives have become more credit-driven and much more complex. There are just too many choices, opportunities, products, prices, yields, rates, margins, it is hard to make the right choices. Most of us lack the proper financial education to make the right choices, so you make poor choices instead. You must take control of your financial landscape. We need to do something different.

This lack of wealth creation education has created the perfect storm for a Midlife Wealth Crisis. The current financial climate has set us up for disastrous results for the average American family.

* Americans owe more money today than ever before.
* U.S. installment debt has grown to over one trillion dollars.
* Household debt has grown to over 90% of annual disposable income.
* Consumer delinquency rates, bankruptcies and foreclosures have reached all-time highs.
* An alarming number of households do not have retirement plans or emergency plans in place.

To avoid your personal Midlife Wealth Crisis you need to regain control of your financial life in the midst of all this turmoil.

Membership through Rebecca Holman and her alliances provide assistance with learning to control:

* Financial Needs and Goals Analysis
* Debt Restructuring for Maximum Monthly Cash Flow
* Strategic Debt Elimination Plans
* Credit Repair and Improvement
* Wealth Building Education
* Wealth Accumulation Strategies

Find out more, if you want to avoid your MidLife Wealth Crisis Today. Take control of your destiny today.

Avoid Your MidLife Wealth Crisis Today

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Mid Life Crisis - Definintion from Wikipedia

Before we can determine what a Mid Life Wealth Crisis is, we need to know what a Midlife Crisis in general is.


Individuals experiencing a mid-life crisis have some of these feelings:

  • search of an undefined dream or goal
  • a deep sense of remorse for goals not accomplished
  • desire to achieve a feeling of youthfulness
  • need to spend more time alone or with certain peers

They exhibit some of these behaviors:

  • abuse of alcohol
  • conspicuous consumption -- acquisition of unusual or expensive items such as clothing, sports cars, jewellery, gadgets, tattoos, motorbikes, etc.
  • depression
  • paying special attention to physical appearance

Midlife crisis is a term used in Western societies to describe a period of dramatic self-doubt that is felt by some individuals in the "middle years" of life, as a result of sensing the passing of youth and the imminence of old age. Sometimes, transitions experienced in these years, such as aging in general, menopause, the death of parents, or children leaving home, can trigger such a crisis. The result may be a desire to make significant changes in core aspects of day to day life or situation, such as in career, marriage, or romantic relationships.

Academic research since the 1980s rejects the notion of midlife crisis as a phase that most adults go through. In one study, less than 10% of people had psychological crises due to their age or aging.[1] Personality type and a history of psychological crisis are believed to predispose some people to this "traditional" midlife crisis.[2] People going through this suffer a variety of symptoms and exhibit disparate behaviors.

Many middle aged adults experience major life events that can cause a period of psychological stress or depression, such as the death of a loved one, or a career setback. However, those events could have happened earlier or later in life, making them a "crisis," but not necessarily a midlife one. In the same study, 15% of middle-aged adults experienced this type of midlife turmoil.

Some studies indicate that some cultures may be more sensitive to this phenomenon than others. One study found that there is little evidence that people undergo midlife crises in Japanese and Indian cultures, raising the question of whether a midlife crises is mainly a cultural construct. The authors hypothesized that the "culture of youth" in Western societies accounts for the popularity of the midlife crisis concept there.[3]

Researchers have found that midlife is often a time for reflection and reassessment, but this is not always accompanied by the psychological upheaval popularly associated with "midlife crisis".[4]