Monday, December 15, 2008

Attract Miracles Community

"What Would Happen if 8,185 People Held an Intention for You Personally?"

FACT: 23 scientific studies prove that when groups of people meditate, the crime and violence in their area goes down AND the wealth and prosperity goes up.

I want to invite you to a community of people to do just that -- hold your intention
(whatever it may be) FOR you -- The combined energy of this number
will virtually guarantee your results!

Think of what this would mean to your life, your family, your
city, state and even the planet!

Read on to discover how to join this movement today!

Or Click Here to Immediately find out more about

The Attract Miracles Member Community

Dear friend,

Are you looking for a miracle in your life? If you could have one what kind of miracle would you want?

No matter if it is love, healing, money, or anything else, wouldn't it be easier if you had help?

Of course it would.

And that is the inspiration behind The Attract Miracles Community

Let me explain by asking you a question...

Did you know that over 23 scientific studies have proved that when groups of people meditate, the crime and violence in their area goes down?

It's true!

These same studies showed that the more people who held the same intention, the greater the effect.

Can you see why I'm so excited about this?

Want world peace?

Then you'll be glad to know a long term meditation that lasted from 1988 to 1990 coincided perfectly with the end of nearly every major conflict including the war in Afganistan and even including the historic end of the Cold War.

Are you worried about the economy because of bad news about the stock market, housing prices, or a credit crisis?

Take heart because another experimental study by The Scientific Demonstration Project showed group meditation corresponded to a dramatic 12% rise in the stock market.

I could go on, but there are too many studies to list here.

Over the last 50 years the scientific evidence of the power of group intentions has piled up - and yet the media doesn't mention a peep!

Well, if you're like me, then you'll probably want to know...

Is There Really a Way to Intentionally Attract Miracles?


This isn't woo woo, either.

Documented scientific studies by some of the greatest minds of the last half century suggest we can directly impact not only our lives, but entire communities, countries, and beyond!

Right now you should go over to the Attract Miracles Community and find out more.

Now You Can Finally Have Others Help You Attract What You Desire

Come and join us in The Attract Miracles Community because we can help each other with the compound power of all our intentions.

This community is the brain child of Joe Vitale.

Monday, December 8, 2008

During This Financial Crisis Consider These Work At Home Ideas

by Rebecca Holman

I find that working at home is wonderful option at any time. During this current financial crisis, I can safely say that it is a God Send. If you seriously take a gander at the current world situation you have to admit that the economy is in a sorry state. The financial and economic crisis of the past few months have sent shivers down many spines. Many people that currently have regular jobs, like your self, may find them selves with out employment before the year is over. Of course if you are working at home and are sel employed you really would not have to worry about that problem.

You may not be sure of at home employment or perhaps you have tried it before and found only scams, but you should know that you can most certainly work from home and make a living, even if only for a meantime.

I personally know of a number of people, my self included that work from home and are making more than many with regular 9 to 5 jobs. So I hope that you can see that this is most likely something that you might think about and research more. Of course if this concept of working at home is something that sounds remotely interesting to you and like it might be a good idea for you, then I have outlined 3 ideas that you may want to try.

Researching: I love doing research. So for me Researching has been a great home employment opportunity for me and my family. You just need access to a the internet via a computer. This method means that you will have a low overhead each month, yet it can pay great dividends and bring in as much if not more than you would get from working from someone else. You just need to find a good resource company to go through.

One of the most important things if you do decide to go this route for at home employment is keep track of your hours. You will want to take things into your own hands and make sure that you are getting paid properly for all the work you are doing, and it is more in your hands than if you were working at a regular job.

Blogging: Is another great option. It has become a really popular work at home opportunity for folks that have internet. Since you can do this from home any time of the day or night it seems almost everyone is blogging about something. As blogger, you will be writing out text box structures for easy entry of content to publish quickly. The great thing is that there is no end to the types of blogs you can do.

Start Your Own Business: The third easy tip is for the really ambitious entrepreneur. Many will want to start up their own business. Now a days, thank goodness, this does not require you to even have a lot of finances, and this can be a great idea for work at home moms and work at home dads that are considering at home employment. There are so many types of businesses, from eBay to online franchises that it is worth it to do your research here. Just be sure to find something that YOU really enjoy. After all that is why you left your job isn't it? I highly recommend that you read the best seller "Cash Flow Quadrant" by Robert Kiyosaki to understand the road ahead.

Rebecca Holman trains with serious entrepreneurs that want to embrace new network marketing resources at MLM Lead Marketing Online Your MLM Training Resource